Have you been neglecting your creativity?
Despite longing to paint, do you somehow feel blocked when it comes to actually doing it?
Perhaps you:
- Find it really hard to prioritise painting, putting everything - and everyone - else first and ignoring the creative calling from within
- Feel intimidated at the thought of the blank sheet of paper and trying to get started with a painting, or do start but then...
- Get frustrated by the results you do get as they fall short of what you were aiming for
- Regret the “lost time” spent not painting and wonder how good you might have been if only you’d started sooner
Our creativity is so personal, and comes from so deep within us, that all kinds of barriers can get in our way without us even realising.
I get it. I’ve been there and I know exactly how it feels.

I’m Anna, and I’m now an award winning artist. But I didn’t go to art school. In fact I spent 7 years without picking up a brush at all.
Although my childhood was filled with painting, I grew up thinking that being an ‘artist’ wasn’t a sensible career option, so I went off to university and got myself a “proper job”.
Despite my promises to myself that I would paint in my spare time, I didn’t. But my longing to paint never disappeared. I expect yours hasn't either.
You can read my story on my About page, but let me assure you: I know how frustrating it is not to be painting when you know a part of you really wants to.
I get it. I’ve been there and I know exactly how it feels.

I’m Anna, and I’m now an award winning artist. But I didn’t go to art school. In fact I spent 7 years without picking up a brush at all.
Although my childhood was filled with painting, I grew up thinking that being an ‘artist’ wasn’t a sensible career option, so I went off to university and got myself a “proper job”.
Despite my promises to myself that I would paint in my spare time, I didn’t. But my longing to paint never disappeared. I expect yours hasn't either.
You can read my story on my About page, but let me assure you: I know how frustrating it is not to be painting when you know a part of you really wants to.

Learn a proven method that's suitable for all skill levels

My unique wet-on-dry method puts you in control of watercolours in a way you’ve probably not experienced before. And once you know the method, you can apply it to any subjects - portraits, landscapes, street scenes, pets.. Whatever you want.
I've never taken a painting class. Being 100% self-taught means I have learned everything myself via trial-and-error... and plenty of paper crumpling...over many years.
Why is that good? It means that I know WHY I’m doing everything I’m doing with the brush, and that allows me to totally de-mystify the painting process for you.
I want to save you all that time (and paper) by teaching you my method so that you can learn from my years of experience and develop your skills in as little as 20 hours.
Learn a proven method that's suitable for all skill levels

My unique wet-on-dry method puts you in control of watercolours in a way you’ve probably not experienced before. And once you know the method, you can apply it to any subjects - portraits, landscapes, street scenes, pets.. Whatever you want.
I've never taken a painting class. Being 100% self-taught means I have learned everything myself via trial-and-error... and plenty of paper crumpling...over many years.
Why is that good? It means that I know WHY I’m doing everything I’m doing with the brush, and that allows me to totally de-mystify the painting process for you.
I want to save you all that time (and paper) by teaching you my method so that you can learn from my years of experience and develop your skills in as little as 20 hours.

Videos that show you
By walking you through how to paint different subjects, step-by-step-by-step, my video tutorials get you understanding and practicing your painting skills to get a great result. This focus on both process and results also helps you to overcome emotional blocks and negative self-doubt, transforming the experience to one that's positive, empowering, and fun!
Woah... back up! What’s all this about learning this in as little 20 hours?
As Josh Kaufman writes in his best-selling book, The First 20 Hours, rapid skill acquisition is possible if you have 3 things, each of which you will get as a member of my School:

1. Skill deconstruction
Each tutorial offers a clear , systematic approach to painting the subject matter, laying important foundational skills that you build upon as you become more proficient.

2. The right tools
Having the right tools when working with watercolour makes a big difference. That’s why I provide detailed videos and buying links for my recommended paints, paper, brushes and palette..

3. Structured practice
Each class provides the structure you need to practice with ease, gain a sense of accountability, avoid common mistakes, and gain confidence in your work.
What school membership gives you

1. The tutorials
The heart of the school is the library of video tutorials. It currently stands at over 130, varying from quick 30-minute ones, to ones that will take you days to complete.
Each one has subtitles, reference photos and traceable outline drawings to get you started (perfect if you feel a lack of drawing skills is holding you back).

2. Courses for a guided experience
To grow your skills in the most structured way, there is a library of courses, which have been carefully created to help you:
- Achieve specific goals, like painting realistic shine effects or learn to paint flowers or birds
- Apply the techniques you’ve learned in the Tutorials to your independent artwork
- Deepen your connection with nature through curiosity and close observation
- Reflect on your progress and coach yourself with kindness and a growth mindset
3. The community
The School is also a vibrant and engaged community. Our growing, global community is over 5,000 members strong, each growing their own skills and supporting each other on their creative journeys.
You can share photos of your paintings with each other, receiving support and feedback as you go. There are also forums for sharing struggles and accomplishments, and you can connect with a painting ‘buddy’ to help you stay accountable. You’re not on your own!

4. Every month, there's...
- At least one new Tutorial released (with lots of new Courses in the pipeline too, including some from special guest artists)
- A new Practice Pic added to our searchable library of photos you can use to independently build on the techniques you learn in the Tutorials
- A member-led monthly painting challenge, open to all, encouraging you to paint together

Bonus resources
You also get:
- Guidance on how to build and sustain a consistent creative habit
- Advice on how to develop and train your artistic eye to perceive more colour and detail in everything you observe
- Courses from guest artists covering other styles and techniques
- A video library called the Knowledge Base covering fundamental techniques such as drawing, brush skills, colour mixing, and much more
- Quick sketchbook exercises for skill building and practicing, especially when time is limited
- A library of member reference photos for painting inspiration for independent projects

You'll access all these tutorials and more
What members say about the School
"My confidence in using watercolours has increased. My paintings are looking more realistic, and I am very pleased with my progress so far."
"I would like to thank Anna for starting this tutorial site, and for treating me as an individual, and with respect regarding my progress so far."
-Keith Thompson
"I am absolutely thrilled to have finally discovered a professional online course that teaches every detail – from how to hold the brush, mix the paint, the markings to make, and most importantly Anna’s unique painting method."
"I came across Anna’s book in the local library – and her method of teaching watercolour was an absolute revelation! My progression using her online School in only 2 months is astounding.
I’ve been on at least 14 Adult Education art courses over the last 20 years and bought numerous watercolour books – all of which resulted in extreme frustration as none of them actually taught me ‘HOW’ to paint. I was considering doing a fine-art degree just to try and get some actual tuition.
I am so excited by Anna’s course I feel evangelical about it!"
- Sally Flier
“Anna’s school helped me take my painting to the next level!”
“I used to get so frustrated with my painting because the end result just wasn’t what I envisioned. But now, learning from Anna has shifted has changed my mental state and the way I approach my paintings! The satisfaction I now get when I complete a painting and am happy enough to hang it on my wall… THAT is rewarding!”
- Wayne, USA
"I have learned more in the first tutorial than I learned in the 6-week class I took at the local college. Anna and her tutorials are the best out there!"
"I just retired and wanted to take up watercolor as a hobby. I am so lucky to have found Anna and her tutorials.
I term my painting as Zen Painting because after listening to the lesson, I am able to enter into a Zen state of mine when painting. My mind is not analyzing what I am doing, instead I am painting from a calm and peacefulness state, applying what the lessons had taught me.
It is not only very relaxing but then when I look at what I have painted I am WOW’d. Thank you Anna for sharing you knowledge and skills."
-Margie LeRoux
"Having now got to know her as a person, Anna's guidance and determination to encourage every level of ‘artist’ reflects her kind, gentle and caring personality perfectly."
"Anna has given me SO much confidence. Her ‘method’ is infallible and I no longer ever feel the need to ‘start again’ if something goes wrong, as it can always be rectified by the addition of more layers, tones and contrasts. That is what I like best with this process.
Most of all Anna’s teaching is incredibly clear and inspiring. It is so easy to follow and repeat over and over again."
-Stella Baker
"It is Anna’s belief in what her students can achieve and do achieve which is a fundamental asset to learning with her."
Artwork from members
The work from School members that you see on this website isn’t touched up or altered in any way — these are real paintings done by people just like you. Many of the artists you see here were beginners with little or no experience, yet they learned to paint with watercolours like someone who had been painting for years. Hundreds have gone on to begin their own art careers.
Here are just a few examples of what members have achieved.
See what members have been sharing on Instagram
Check out these paintings members have been sharing on Instagram with the hashtag #annamasonschool
Got questions?
Deciding to honour your creativity and invest in your skills, is a huge step forward in your artistic journey. Saying “yes, it’s time to let myself do this” is powerful and liberating.
But there are probably some “what-ifs” you need to know about first, so let’s take a look at some commonly asked questions:
The School really is suitable for all levels of experience. If you are a total beginner, you will be shown everything you need to know to start.
All that is required is that you make sure you’re kind to yourself and don’t expect yourself to produce masterpieces from day one. You’ll learn to relax into painting, trust in the process and develop your skills with every tutorial painting you complete. Our kind and supportive community is a safe space for sharing your work if you want to.
“I'd recommend the School to everyone interested in watercolour, from budding artists to serious artists. You can jump in at whatever level you feel comfortable and the exercises allow you to progress at a rate you’re comfortable with.” -Janet Lundgren, Canada
You can work your way through the tutorials at a pace that feels comfortable to you. Whilst new tutorials are released regularly, the entire library of classes is available to you to complete at your own pace, so there’s no way of getting “behind”.
In case you need to complete the tutorials across several sittings, the classes are split into parts and each video is time-stamped, making it easy to pick up where you left off.
If you find yourself struggling to get down to a painting session, my weekly emails will help spur you on – as will your fellow members in the School.
We want you to be happy in the School, which is why membership comes with a 14-day money back guarantee. If within a 2 weeks of joining us you change your mind, all you need to do is email us and we’ll happily give you your money back in full.
Every tutorial comes complete with a traceable line drawing, so no drawing skills are required and you can get down to painting quickly. The Knowledge Base includes videos to help you to create your drawings ready for painting.
Most of the subjects are nature-themed and lots are botanical. However there are food subjects, animals, still life subjects and even a landscape which shows you how versatile this method is. The library is regularly added to and the aim is to continue to expand the different subjects on offer.
The videos are hosted on the School website and can only be streamed (watched when you are connected to the Internet), not downloaded to your own computer. So to access the video tutorials you need to be a member of the School website, with an active subscription.
As a member, you have access to all the video tutorials the whole time you’re a member and can watch them as many times as you like.
Yes, the videos come with English subtitles which you can switch on or off. Perfect if you are hard of hearing or if English is not your first language and you want to be able to pause and look a word up.
“It turned out that the language barrier wasn’t such a big problem for me. Now my paintings are getting better and better.”
Vanya Ivanova, Bulgaria
This is a self-directed, group learning experience. Whilst I’m active in the School community every week, much of my working time is spent on developing fresh new content for you, which is why we can’t guarantee individual feedback from me personally on paintings you upload.
Our School community is highly supportive and their feedback on your work is readily available. We also have an ‘appraise’ feature where you can request for your paintings to be appraised by our community if you’re specifically seeking constructive feedback to help you to grow even more.
The School is private, and therefore everyone in our community is here to learn and to encourage others.
We truly believe that you will get more from your learning experience if you engage in our School community. But, if you’d rather just follow the tutorials, there’s zero pressure for you to participate in the community elements.
“I have always been reluctant to join any online forum before, but once I saw the work people were doing, and the friendly interest which Anna and the other members showed to each other I lost my apprehension!”
Wendy King, Norfolk, UK
Our School is run through our website, which is intuitive to navigate. If you need it, there’s also guidance on how to use the website in our comprehensive Help Centre.
Our Help Centre also includes guidance on printing the .pdfs and uploading your paintings to the School if you decide to share your work with us.
We offer you the option of either a monthly, six-month or annual subscription to the School, meaning you can join the School for as little as a month. You can switch between subscription types if you decide to change.
We use trusted online payment processor Stripe to process the School’s subscription payments.
Types of payment methods accepted
Stripe will accept payments by all major credit cards, including Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, and JCB.
Using your credit card via our website and Stripe is totally safe. Our website is SSL certified and we do NOT store your card details, Stripe does. They are PCI compliant to the most stringent standards.
Automatic renewals
Since you’ll be signing up for a subscription, your membership will renew automatically at the intervals you agree to when you sign up. If you don’t want your subscription to renew, you can easily cancel it yourself.
You’ll be able to cancel your payments whenever you like via your Account page of the School website. Your membership will run until the end of your current subscription period, at which point it won’t renew if you have cancelled.
The paints, paper and brushes you use make a big difference to the results you get. I do recommend upgrading your equipment when you start, as this will lead you to results you’re happiest with. But if you’d prefer to start with whatever equipment you have, that’s still great and you can upgrade your equipment gradually if you prefer. You can see a complete list of the equipment I recommend here.
If you ever have a problem with the subscription process, using the School website, or you just need more information, our support team is here to help you. Just email us at [email protected].
For painting related support, we have a searchable, comprehensive Help Centre which answers a breadth of questions you may have. We also have the School forum, which is the perfect place for asking questions of your fellow School members. They are always happy to answer and help.
You can pay in any one of 19 major currencies, so the answer is probably yes! This means you’ll know exactly what you’ll pay each month and payments won’t vary due to changes in exchange rates.
Let's do this!
per month
billed monthly*
25% off renewals after 6 months
six months
billed bi-annually*
25% off renewals
Best Value!
one year
billed annually*
25% off renewals
*with option to cancel at any time
Need help? Click here. Looking to buy a subscription as a gift? Click here.
Not ready to commit? Take the free class and see how you do.