Draw a bird – full of detail
Have you ever tried to draw a bird? It’s actually much easier to create a realistic drawing of a bird than you might think.
In this mini class, I show you the steps I followed when I drew a sparrow using pencil.
As you’ll see, I use layering to create depth and a fluffy, feathery texture. The steps are very similar to my watercolour method.
Have a watch, and if you feel inspired to, draw a bird with me. All you need is some smooth paper and a pencil. (I used an 8B, 3B and mechanical pencil, but you can achieve a realistic result with an ordinary HB pencil).
If this mini class has given you the drawing bug, you can find plenty more mini classes you can complete with just an HB pencil.
There’s the pencil conker class, the realistic mushroom, the 3D rose and the Calla Lily.
And if you haven’t tried it yet, there’s a FREE, full length step-by-step drawing class waiting for you here (it’s a bonus class that comes with my free pear watercolour class).
Please do leave me a comment below if you’ve enjoyed watching and that this mini class has inspired you to draw a bird like this one.
With love,

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can’t see where the mini draw a bird link is. The video is about painting fur
Apologies Claire, you should be able to see it now.
Hi Anna,
The video doesn’t show on my computer for how to draw a bird, I only see how to paint fur on a hamster. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Sorry about that Kathleen – it should be working now.
Beautiful drawing of that cute little bird. Congratulations Anna, and thank you for sharing.
Well I didn’t see how to draw the bird but saw how to pencil in the feathers and dark and lights. Tried real fast to sketch the bird and branch and grabbed the wrong pen. My drawing is awful. Wish there was a way to send it to you.
This is not working , keeps asking me to prove I’m not a bot but no Captcha , the video link will not open
Hi this doesn’t seem to show how to draw the outline and shape of the bird which would be a first step for me
Your explanation & demonstration is perfect. Thank you for your generosity in offering another free tutorial.
Thank you for making my day!!! I’m looking forward to everything you are generously
teaching us. God bless you, Debbie
I can’t see the bird to do initial drawing. The screen blacks over when you try to pause or stop. Please help
Thanks Anna, I have so many beautiful birds visiting our garden this Spring. Your video has inspired me to start sketching .
Bonjour Anna,
Je suis française et comprend la majeur partie de tes paroles.
Heureusement qu’il y a les sous-titres pour m’aider à suivre tes paroles.
Y aura-t-il des corrections de mes dessins en français lorsque je commencerai les cours auxquels je me suis abonnée ?